Friday, 24 April 2015

Looking for your vote for our campaign...


We’re delighted to announce that our anti-bullying campaign, ‘Before you give advice, get some’, is a finalist in the Cracking Campaign category of the SCVO Charity Awards 2015!

Bullying causes an understandably emotional reaction.  Very often we don’t know what to do or say and sometimes, despite our good intentions, we can give unhelpful advice.  This campaign is designed to make adults stop and think about their response, and signposts them to practical advice, which can help them explore different options.


As well as being a finalist, our campaign is also entered into the People’s Choice Award.  We’d be delighted if you could show your support and vote for us here  Voting closes on Friday 8 May and winners will be announced on 4 June.


Many thanks in advance!

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

To our international readers...

Hi folks

I waned to take a moment to ask some of the international readers of the blog to get in touch.

The last year has seen an increase in readers from The Phillipines, Russia, The US and across Asia.

I am curious and keen to connect with readers and find out a little about how they came across the blog and if they found it useful at all.

If you can, please take a couple of minutes to get in touch - would live to hear from you

